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Good game, but when i try to swap my creature the game gets messed up

I can't download it, it just gets the file

This game is a masterpiece

i keep on breaking it trying to select creatures

lemme get out my garbage windows laptop


i loveeeeeeeeeeeee

Another bug I found: I selected my bheedle to swap into, and the game understood I was swapping into it, but it also thought I was selecting it in my storage? This is the 2nd time this is has happened (not with bheedle in specific) and the 1st time I had to restart since it didn't let me attack but I was able to win the 2nd battle somehow

ima test this later.

when i try to open selsulec demo.exe it doesn't work

Finished the demo, great game!

Is there a saving system

I'm pretty sure to code a save system, it's easier to do with a full game, since you need to save the backdrop the player is in and in a full game you have all the backdrops (correct me if I'm wrong), so it'd make sense for only the full version to have a save system like Creatures of Mastaria did.

Oh, well I already finished the game, so it's fine now.

Thanks though!


there will be!

YOU CAN GO FISHING?????????????

I wanna play it but windows doesnt let it, ik i just turn off the anti virus but still im scared another threat that isn't this will just get in

(1 edit)

Bug: All of my creatures fainted and the game told me to select one to fight with, for a second I thought it was mocking me but it was probably unintentional

Edit: Happened a 2nd time (on the same trainer lol) and if I had to guess a reason why, it'd be I had blobble as the last creature in my part both times, since blobble comes in 3s in your storage and if you select one to join your party, all of them do, it could be the game thinking that I still have 2 more blobbles in my party, though thats just a guess

the epic troll making snacks unsnackable XD

fr lol

(1 edit)

how do i eat

Edit: figured it out but i wish it was more clear


Maybe some sort of indication that you have to interact with the table to eat? Or just having you eat it upon pick up? Either of those would've been better considering my rotted attention span almost made me stop playing


loser apple computer haver here, I can't play this game (because I'm a loser) 

Well you see if i wanted a mac version id have to pay apple 100 dollars a month

I love apple <3

What about the Creatures of Mastaria mac version?

oh. I was just thinking if you could make a mac version :P